October 03, 2019
What do you eat to get taller?
What do you eat to get taller?
Height is greatly influenced by genetics. However, because it is inherited, there is no need to give up if you are no longer stretched. What adults can support children can do is to create an environment for height growth. Calcium is not the only thing you need to increase your height.
About 80% of bones are made of calcium, while the remaining 20% are made of protein.
So, should I get a lot of calcium and protein? The answer is NO! is.
Growth hormone is needed to promote bone synthesis. The nutrients required for growth hormone are arginine in meat, tuna, shrimp and soy products, and zinc in oysters, liver, nuts and beef.
However, taking these two does not secrete growth hormone. With these two ingredients and proper sleep and muscle training, growth hormone is secreted. Of course, if growth hormone is secreted, it doesn't mean that bones can be made. Calcium (milk, small fish, cherry shrimp, etc.), which is a nutrient necessary for making bones, vitamin D (mushrooms, salmon, fish eggs, etc.) that promotes absorption of calcium, and calcium to adsorb to bone Vitamin K (natto, large leaves, etc.), protein (meat, fish, legumes, dairy products) that makes bones, and vitamin C that synthesizes collagen are also required.
As you can see, there are many things that are necessary to overcome the heightening environment, and there is no single answer. Proper sleep, muscle training, and proper material (nutrition) are essential for bone growth
And one more important thing! Why do you need what is on the table right now for your body? Tell your child why it is important to sleep early. By doing so, I would like to play a little more games, but let's go to sleep today. I don't really like this vegetable, but I'll do my best to eat it! You may think (^^)
By continuing it for a long time, your child will have an interest in food, create a strong body and a healthy body one year later, three years later, improve performance and height.
One day breakfast
Namul of cucumber
Carrot and beef bowl kinpira
Boiled pumpkin
Stir-fried peppers and octopus
Grilled salmon
Boiled beef muscle
Japanese radish and fried miso soup
Germinated rice
Taking various ingredients in a well-balanced manner leads to improved performance and height.
Height is greatly influenced by genetics. However, because it is inherited, there is no need to give up if you are no longer stretched. What adults can support children can do is to create an environment for height growth. Calcium is not the only thing you need to increase your height.
About 80% of bones are made of calcium, while the remaining 20% are made of protein.
So, should I get a lot of calcium and protein? The answer is NO! is.
Growth hormone is needed to promote bone synthesis. The nutrients required for growth hormone are arginine in meat, tuna, shrimp and soy products, and zinc in oysters, liver, nuts and beef.
However, taking these two does not secrete growth hormone. With these two ingredients and proper sleep and muscle training, growth hormone is secreted. Of course, if growth hormone is secreted, it doesn't mean that bones can be made. Calcium (milk, small fish, cherry shrimp, etc.), which is a nutrient necessary for making bones, vitamin D (mushrooms, salmon, fish eggs, etc.) that promotes absorption of calcium, and calcium to adsorb to bone Vitamin K (natto, large leaves, etc.), protein (meat, fish, legumes, dairy products) that makes bones, and vitamin C that synthesizes collagen are also required.
As you can see, there are many things that are necessary to overcome the heightening environment, and there is no single answer. Proper sleep, muscle training, and proper material (nutrition) are essential for bone growth
And one more important thing! Why do you need what is on the table right now for your body? Tell your child why it is important to sleep early. By doing so, I would like to play a little more games, but let's go to sleep today. I don't really like this vegetable, but I'll do my best to eat it! You may think (^^)
By continuing it for a long time, your child will have an interest in food, create a strong body and a healthy body one year later, three years later, improve performance and height.
One day breakfast
Namul of cucumber
Carrot and beef bowl kinpira
Boiled pumpkin
Stir-fried peppers and octopus
Grilled salmon
Boiled beef muscle
Japanese radish and fried miso soup
Germinated rice
Taking various ingredients in a well-balanced manner leads to improved performance and height.