

Thursday, 3 October 2019

October 03, 2019

What do you eat to get taller?

What do you eat to get taller?

Height is greatly influenced by genetics. However, because it is inherited, there is no need to give up if you are no longer stretched. What adults can support children can do is to create an environment for height growth. Calcium is not the only thing you need to increase your height.
About 80% of bones are made of calcium, while the remaining 20% ​​are made of protein.
So, should I get a lot of calcium and protein? The answer is NO! is.

Growth hormone is needed to promote bone synthesis. The nutrients required for growth hormone are arginine in meat, tuna, shrimp and soy products, and zinc in oysters, liver, nuts and beef.
However, taking these two does not secrete growth hormone. With these two ingredients and proper sleep and muscle training, growth hormone is secreted. Of course, if growth hormone is secreted, it doesn't mean that bones can be made. Calcium (milk, small fish, cherry shrimp, etc.), which is a nutrient necessary for making bones, vitamin D (mushrooms, salmon, fish eggs, etc.) that promotes absorption of calcium, and calcium to adsorb to bone Vitamin K (natto, large leaves, etc.), protein (meat, fish, legumes, dairy products) that makes bones, and vitamin C that synthesizes collagen are also required.

As you can see, there are many things that are necessary to overcome the heightening environment, and there is no single answer. Proper sleep, muscle training, and proper material (nutrition) are essential for bone growth
And one more important thing! Why do you need what is on the table right now for your body? Tell your child why it is important to sleep early. By doing so, I would like to play a little more games, but let's go to sleep today. I don't really like this vegetable, but I'll do my best to eat it! You may think (^^)

By continuing it for a long time, your child will have an interest in food, create a strong body and a healthy body one year later, three years later, improve performance and height.

One day breakfast

Namul of cucumber
Carrot and beef bowl kinpira
Boiled pumpkin
Stir-fried peppers and octopus
Grilled salmon
Boiled beef muscle
Japanese radish and fried miso soup
Germinated rice

Taking various ingredients in a well-balanced manner leads to improved performance and height.
October 03, 2019

How to Gain Weight Fast for Skinny Guys

How to Gain Weight Fast for Skinny Guys

To gain weight and add muscle in bulk, you need to do the following:
    Lifting heavy objects to promote growth
    Eat a lot to provide fuel for growth
    Make life orderly and prioritize your goals

Most healthy people doing these things gain weight. Mostly muscles.

1.lift heavy

Lift heavy objects and say your body should grow.
Buy a barbell and a power rack or join a gym with one. Get a copy of the starting strength (Wiki is a good overview and quick start guide, which is a detailed description of the program, including great instructions on lifts). Complex exercises like squats, chin-ups, deadlifts and presses stimulate whole-body growth. Light and easy weights don't get bigger or stronger, so it's important to stay safe but lift heavy and challenging weights. Lifting three times a week is probably the best compromise between frequent exercise and enough rest.

2. eating large

Provide the raw materials necessary to make the body bigger.

Eat a lot of food. Real food is much better than processed waste, but you have to eat a lot. The best way is high protein items such as meat, eggs, milk and fish, but you need to eat good fats such as starch and grazing butter such as large amounts of vegetables, vegetables, sweet potatoes and rice, coconut oil, olive oil And avocados.

If you are hungry, you are not eating enough. If in doubt, eat more. Much more. Plan your meal. Cook in advance.

3. Priorities

There are things that interfere with muscle growth. Determine if getting stronger is actually your goal. Otherwise it's ok.

Things that can hinder a bigger and stronger goal include:

    Not sleeping enough
    Do not stick to the big program of eating heavy objects described above
    Endurance Exercise or High Intensity Conditioning: Running, Cycling, Swimming, Long Hiking, Snowboarding, Metcon, Printing, HIIT, Ball Sports ...
    A lot of stress, a lot of work, not enough sun or social life
    Tricky Eater
    Refuse to acquire necessary equipment

Rest is important. Sleep is the main time your body grows. Keeping a conversation with a friend will entertain you with life, but six hours of sleep will hinder your growth. The body also grows a lot on rest days after lifting, so do not fill it with other exercises. Certain types of exercise tend to prevent muscle gains more than others. Running is great. I like sprint!-But it doesn't help me make it bigger.

I want to get stronger, but sometimes I want to do Ultimate frisbee or hike. When you are serious about growing, skip the hike or keep it short and don't do Ultimate. Play Ultimate when you're fine and continue your longer hike when it's okay to slow down, but you know it's counterproductive to the only pursuit to get bigger and stronger.

The same is true for food. I value food quality. I highly prefer organic vegetables, local produce, grassed meat and eggs for a variety of economic, ethical and health reasons. To have lunch at work, you need to plan ahead, cook in advance, eat a factory-made meat sandwich in Delhi, or be hungry and hinder my growth. There are similar choices for vegetarians and those with other food restrictions.

Many people wonder if there is a lack of money or space, so there are alternatives to barbells and squat racks. The simple fact is that the barbell is best for getting bigger and stronger. Other methods, such as dumbbells or weight exercises, certainly work, but barbells and squat racks are the simplest and fastest solution. Why? First, it can be loaded in small units, allowing you to gradually challenge it without significantly increasing your weight. Secondly, barbells allow much heavier loads than others. Without the proper equipment, progress will be slower and less effective.

Understand these choices and choose for yourself.

Monday, 30 September 2019

September 30, 2019

Jaundice in adults

Jaundice in adults

In jaundice, the skin and whites of the eyes appear yellow. Jaundice occurs when there is too much bilirubin (yellow pigment) in the blood (a condition called hyperbilirubinemia). When it is formed. Bilirubin is carried to the liver by the bloodstream, combined with bile in the liver. Bilirubin is then transported through the bile ducts to the digestive tract for removal from the body.

Most bilirubin is removed from feces, but small amounts are removed from urine. If bilirubin does not travel quickly through the liver and bile ducts, it builds up in the blood and deposits on the skin. The result is jaundice.

In many people with jaundice, the skin is dull and the stool is bright. These changes occur when bilirubin is not removed from the stool because of obstruction or other problems, which causes more bilirubin to be removed from the urine.

When bilirubin levels are high, substances that form when bile is broken down can accumulate, causing itching throughout the body. But jaundice itself causes a few other symptoms in adults. However, elevated bilirubin levels (hyperbilirubinemia) in newborns with jaundice can lead to a kind of brain damage called nuclear jaundice. Many diseases that cause jaundice also cause other symptoms or serious problems. These symptoms may include nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, and small spider-shaped blood vessels (spider hemangiomas) that are visible on the skin. Men may have symptoms such as breast enlargement, testicular splitting, and female pubic hair.
Reticulum angioma
Reticulum angioma
Reticulum angioma

Severe problems can include:

    Revenge: Fluids Accumulated in the Abdomen

    Coagulation: Bleeding or bruising tendency

    Hepatic encephalopathy: Decreased brain function caused by liver dysfunction, where toxic substances accumulate in the blood and reach the brain causing changes in mental function (e.g. chaos and drowsiness)

    Portal hypertension: A high blood pressure in the veins that delivers blood to the liver, which can cause bleeding from the esophagus and sometimes from the stomach.

Eating large amounts of beta-carotene-rich foods (such as carrots, zucchini, and some melons) may make your skin look light yellow, but your eyes won't turn yellow. This condition is not jaundice and is not associated with liver disease

Causes of Jaundice

Jaundice is caused by many causes. Most causes are associated with diseases and drugs that cause the following problems:

    Liver damage

    Bile flow obstruction

    Causes red blood cell destruction (hemolysis), thus producing more bilirubin than the liver can handle

The most common causes of jaundice are:


    Alcoholic liver disease

    Bile duct obstruction by gallstones (typical) or tumor

    Toxic reaction to drugs or herbs


Hepatitis damages the liver, which reduces the ability of the liver to send bilirubin into the bile ducts. Hepatitis can be acute (short duration) or chronic (lasting at least six months). Hepatitis is usually caused by a virus. Acute viral hepatitis is a common cause of jaundice, especially in young or healthy people. Sometimes hepatitis is caused by an autoimmune disease or the use of certain drugs. If hepatitis is caused by an autoimmune disease or drug, it is not possible to spread from person to person.

Alcoholic liver disease

Ingestion of large amounts of alcohol over a long period of time will damage the liver. The amount and time of alcohol required to cause damage can vary, but you should generally consume enormous amounts of at least 8-10 months. Other drugs, toxins, and some herbal products can also damage the liver (causes and characteristics of jaundice).

Bile duct obstruction

If the bile ducts are blocked, bilirubin can build up in the blood. Most blockages are caused by gallstones, but some are caused by cancer (such as pancreatic or bile duct cancer) or, in rare cases, by liver disease (such as primary biliary cholangitis or primary sclerosing cholangitis).

Other Causes Of Jaundice

Uncommon causes of jaundice include hereditary disorders that interfere with how the body treats bilirubin. Such disorders include Gilbert's syndrome and other less common disorders such as Dubin Johnson Syndrome. In Gilbert's syndrome, bilirubin levels increase slightly, but generally do not increase to the extent of jaundice. This disorder is most often detected during regular screening tests for adolescents. This disorder does not cause other symptoms and other problems.
Evaluation of Jaundice

If jaundice is evident, doctors, blood tests, and sometimes other tests are needed to determine the cause.
Warning signs

In people with jaundice, the following symptoms are a cause for concern:

    Severe abdominal pain and tenderness

    Mental dysfunction, such as drowsiness, irritability, or confusion

    Blood in feces or tartar in dark brown

    Vomiting blood


    Bruising or bleeding tendency that can lead to a mauve rash with very small spots or large speckles (which indicates bleeding in the skin).

If you need to see a doctor

If you have warning symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible. If there are no warning signs, you should see a doctor within a few days.
What the doctor does

Doctors first ask questions about the patient's symptoms and medical history. After that, a physical examination is done. Usually, the findings from the medical history and physical examination determine the cause and the necessary tests are also based on the cause and characteristics of jaundice.

Your doctor will ask when jaundice began and how long it lasted. Also ask when urine began to look dark (this usually happens before jaundice appears). The patient is asked about other symptoms such as itching, fatigue, stool changes, abdominal pain, etc. Doctors are particularly interested in symptoms that indicate a serious cause. For example, symptoms such as sudden loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever may indicate that hepatitis is particularly present in young people and people at risk for the liver. Fever and severe persistent pain in the upper right part of the abdomen usually indicates acute cholangitis (biliary duct inflammation) in people with obstruction of the bile ducts. Acute cholangitis is considered a medical emergency.

Your doctor may tell you whether you have liver disease, have had surgery for your bile ducts, or are you taking drugs that can cause jaundice (including other herbal products like alcohol, over-the-counter, medicinal herbs, tea, etc.). Ask questions. Checking if family members also have jaundice or other liver disorders can help your doctor identify hereditary liver disease.

Because hepatitis is a common cause, doctors especially increase the risk of hepatitis
September 30, 2019

5 Ways to Stay Healthy

 5 Ways to Stay Healthy

How to stay healthy

Where is the person who wants to get sick? If you get sick, at least you will be uncomfortable and cost money. Not only will you feel bad, but it will also be hard for you to go to work, school, make money, or care for your family. You may even need someone to care for you, and you may have to pay a lot for medicine and treatment.

There is a saying that prevention is better than cure. Of course, some diseases can not be avoided. But there are many things you can do to slow it down or even prevent it. How can I be healthy? Let's look at five ways.

1. Keep clean hygiene

According to the Mayo Clinic, “one of the best ways to not get sick or spread the disease” is to wash your hands. One of the main causes of colds and flu is touching your nose or rubbing your eyes with germinated hands. The best practice is to wash your hands often. Good hygiene can prevent more serious illnesses such as pneumonia and diarrhea. Each year, more than two million children under five die from pneumonia or diarrhea. Even simple habits of washing your hands can minimize the spread of Ebola, the lethal disease.

There are times when washing hands is especially important for the health of yourself and others. It is a good idea to wash your hands in the following cases:

    After using the toilet

    After changing diapers or helping your child see the toilet

    Before or after wound healing

    Before or after meeting a sick person

    Before preparing, carrying or eating food

    Sneeze, cough, or blow your nose

    After touching an animal or animal droppings

    After you remove the garbage

In general, people think that they are washing their hands well. However, studies show that many people do not wash their hands or wash them properly after using a public toilet. How should I wash my hands?

    Soak your hands with fresh running water and soap.

    Rub your hands and let them foam. Clean your nails, thumbs, back of hands and even between fingers.

    Rub for at least 20 seconds.

    Rinse in running clean water.

    Wipe with a clean towel or paper towel.

This method is simple, but it can prevent disease and save lives.

2. use clean water

In some countries, a lot of effort is needed to get enough clean water for the family. But it can be hard to get clean water anywhere in the world. Problems such as floods, storms, or water pipe rupture can contaminate major drinking water supplies. Unsafe drinking water sources or poor storage of water can lead to infections such as parasites, as well as cholera, life-threatening diarrheal diseases, typhoid fever and hepatitis. Unsafe drinking water is one of the causes of diarrheal disease, which causes about 1.7 billion cases each year.

Cholera is most common when eating water or food contaminated with feces from an infected person. How can you protect yourself from contaminated water this way or any other way? Is there a way to protect myself during the immediate aftermath of a disaster?

    Only drink water from safe drinking water sources, such as properly treated water from public water sources or bottled water from reliable companies. The same applies to water used to brush teeth, freeze ice, wash food, wash dishes, or cook.

    If tap water is likely to be contaminated, boil it or treat it with an appropriate chemical before use.

    Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when using chemicals such as chlorine or drinking water disinfectants.

    If you are on the market at a reasonable price, use a good filter.

    If you can't get a product that purifies your water, use household bleach. Add 2 drops per liter, mix well, wait 30 minutes before using.

    Store the cleaned water in a clean container with a lid to prevent contamination.

    Use clean tools to get stored water.

    Wash your hands thoroughly when touching containers with water and keep your hands and fingers away from drinking water.

3. Keep in mind what you eat

To be healthy, you need to be well-nourished, and to be well-nourished, you must have a healthy, balanced diet. You should control your intake of salt, fat and sugar, and be careful about your meals. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet and eat a variety of foods. When you buy bread, cereal, pasta, noodles, or rice, the text on the packaging will help you choose foods made from whole grains. Whole grain foods are richer in nutrition and fiber than foods made from refined grains. To get protein, try to eat a little less fat meat if possible, and try to eat fish several times a week. In some regions, protein-rich foods are available among plant foods.

Too much sugar and solid fats can put you at risk of obesity. To reduce the risk, drink water instead of sugary drinks. Eat more fruits instead of sugary desserts. Limit intake of foods containing solid fats such as sausages, meat, butter, cakes, cheeses and cookies. In addition, you can use healthy oils when cooking, rather than solid fats.

Eating too much salt, or sodium, can raise your blood pressure enough to harm your health. If you have a problem, reduce your salt intake by referring to the ingredient list on the food package. Use herbs and spices instead of salt to taste the food.

What you eat is important, but how much you eat is just as important. Therefore, if you get hungry after eating, it is better not to eat anymore.

Be careful of food poisoning when eating. Any food can cause food poisoning if not properly cooked and stored. Every year, one in six Americans gets food poisoning. Most people recover without persistent sequelae, but some people die from food poisoning. How can food poisoning be prevented?

    Vegetables may have been grown in manure soil, so they should be washed and eaten well.

    Wash hands and cutting boards, cooking utensils, plates, countertops with hot water with detergent before cleaning each food ingredient.

    To avoid contamination between foods, do not place food on it without washing raw eggs, raw meat, or surfaces or dishes that have touched raw fish.

    Heat food until it is at the right temperature and refrigerate immediately if perishable food will not be eaten immediately.

    Discard perishable food for at least two hours at room temperature and for at least one hour at temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius.

4. Exercise steadily

Regardless of age, staying healthy requires regular physical activity. Many people today do not exercise enough. Why is exercise important? Constant physical activity can help you to:

    You can sleep well.

    Maintain your ability to walk.

    Keep your bones and muscles strong.

    Achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

    You are less likely to get depressed.

    It is less likely to die early.

If you are not physically active, you risk the following:

    You are more likely to get heart disease.

    You are more likely to get type 2 diabetes.

    There is a greater chance of developing high blood pressure.

    You may have high cholesterol.

    You are more likely to get a stroke.

Physical activity that suits you depends on your age and health, so it's a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Many experts suggest that children and adolescents should do at least 60 minutes of light or vigorous exercise each day. Adults should take 150 minutes of light exercise each week and 75 minutes of intense exercise.

Choose a fun activity. You may want to consider aerobic exercises such as basketball, tennis, soccer, fast walking, biking, gardening, firewood, swimming, canoeing, and jogging. How can I tell if it is a light or intense workout? In general, if you are sweating while exercising, it is light.

5. Get enough sleep

Sleep time required varies from person to person. Most babies sleep 16 to 18 hours a day, about 14 hours for toddlers and 11 to 12 hours for children who are not yet in school. In general, children should go to school for at least 10 hours, teens about 9-10 hours and adults 7-8 hours.

Getting enough rest is not a matter of choice. According to experts, enough sleep is important for the following reasons:

    Growth and Development of Children and Teen Adolescents

    Ability to learn and remember new information

    Balance of hormones affecting metabolism and weight

    Cardiovascular health

    Disease prevention

Sleep deprivation is believed to be linked to obesity, depression, heart disease, diabetes and tragic accidents. Therefore, it is better to take enough rest.

What can you do if it is difficult to get enough sleep?

    Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

    Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and cozy, and not too hot or cold.

    Do not watch television or use electronic devices in bed.

    Make your bed as comfortable as possible.

    Avoid overeating, caffeine and alcohol before bed.
September 30, 2019

How to Build Muscle Fast?

What you need to build muscle. What to eat to build muscle


Physical change is a long and difficult process in that the process is not always constant. Instead of going linear, the muscles burst and grow periodically.

Unfortunately, these bursts tend to spread calmly over long periods of time.

Often hear about people who can not gain muscle mass despite all their efforts. In fact, these people are in a period of quiet muscle growth. Often, these people spend more time on diet than exercise, and do not eat enough. In a less calm period, one group of muscles is located and the other group generally shows good growth.

Unlike common mass growth problems, where malnutrition is the main cause, lack of growth in one muscle group is not associated with food intake errors. The reason is in training skills. And in principle, this is not an error in the skills of motor performance, but because there is no activation of "sticky" muscle groups, the progress is interrupted.

Anyone who has a collision with this will notice that swinging into an inactive muscle group is worse than not swinging. You do not get results and do not waste a lot of useful time. This should be avoided and you need to learn how to activate the muscles in order to grow them again.

    5 proven and reliable ways to grow stubborn muscles.

1. Lift up quickly, not up.

If you are performing a program that requires low speed, such as lactic acid training, don't worry about speed. Bodybuilding has a classic home-you need to do it at a slow pace.

One of the best trainers, Jason Ferruji, wasted a lot of time thinking that the slow speed method for muscle growth was one of the biggest mistakes in his career. However, this does not mean that you have to switch completely fast. Everything has my time and place. You can give a few months of training at a fast pace. In any case, do not waste energy, lift the weight with "explosion". As the running speed increases, the fibers shrink quickly. If the muscles do not grow, this simple method will produce unexpected results.

In addition to the role of muscle growth catalysts, fast speeds are effective in burning fat. Because you always use big weights that cost a lot of energy.

An additional bonus is the neurological and muscular activation of muscle tone, which can look thinner even with excess body fat.

Try this approach with shoulder exercises and evaluate deltas after a few workouts.

2. One way exercise

The movement of one limb, especially with a large weight, activates a very sensitive motor unit (VDE). The increase in muscle mass through the activation of VDE occurs due to the increase in the total number of muscle fibers and the stimulation of muscles due to the nerve endings of nerve fibers.

Unilateral exercise requires twice the time and is the recommended scheme. We start with a big two-way workout, then start with a few unilateral sets and finish with a two-sided explosion practice.

For example :

Classic Squat

2. Squat squat on one leg, both legs.

3. Jump and Squat.

3. Pre-stimulation

Increasing target muscle growth by pre-stimulation with isolated movements is very useful for training you can. I do not recommend it and do so many isolated exercises, but everything is in place.

Do not confuse this with preliminary muscle fatigue, where the goal is to overwork the muscles with an emphasis on this. Our mission is to be active!

The idea for preliminary stimulation is to create a template that will be actively filled at the start of the workout.

Before starting the bench press, a quick and easy approach to placing dumbbells is activated, the chest muscles are activated and ready to carry a large amount of load, the shoulders and triceps do a lot.

You do not need to do this before each set. 2-3 times at the beginning of the exercise is enough. The pre-activation effect not only prepares your muscles for exercise, but also teaches you to create new patterns for your body.

Do a vertical thrust straight with your arm before the pullup to get a feel for how the Latinus muscles work efficiently. For those who shake the quadriceps, the lateral lungs will give a good stimulus to the growth of the lateral rays before squatting.

4. Touch of Magic

One of my favorite tricks to make muscle grow faster. Lightly touch the muscles during training. This manipulation accelerates neuromuscular conduction through tactile stimulation, signaling to the brain and muscles, leading to the activation of muscle fibers.

At the beginning of his career, he focused less on his back than other muscle groups. Regardless of what I did, the back was minimally involved. When I pulled myself, my hands paid off.

And I started to touch myself.

I performed all my back exercises unilaterally, allowing me to touch the muscles with free hands during the run. While touching the muscles, I controlled the power of the exercise and always had the opportunity to engage the muscles more strongly in the process.

Over time, I was able to learn how to make good use of the acceleration of neuromuscular conduction for all movements of the dorsal muscles, as well as unilateral sets. result? My weakness, visually weak in other parts of the body, turned into the most developed part. I am currently using this technology with my clients and I can see significant progress in a short time.

5. More work. Less time

Another useful way to make your muscles grow faster is to finish your workout in a short time. Reducing the training time without reducing the workload increases the intensity of the training. The target muscles experience greater stimulation without recovery, which increases the body's performance, output, muscle tension and size.

Intensive training not only impulses muscle growth, but also burns fat perfectly.

These 5 simple but effective methods can stimulate the development of muscles, and today you can use them when training in the gym.

Do you dream of growing high quality muscles of 5-7 kilograms, but do not know where to start strength training? The program described below will help you gain noticeable muscle mass, change your body and gain an athletic physique in just 6-8 weeks.

The program is short, three times a week, but includes intense exercise and enhanced nutrition. Remember that without additional calories, the body is nutrition, the most important component of muscle growth, which cannot physically form muscles.
Muscle building exercise

At the heart of the proposed program are all the large muscles of the body that perform complex tasks. This not only develops muscles, but also helps to create sports figures with wide shoulders and strong arms.

The program not only improves the coordination of movements, but also affects the development of the press and body muscles, as well as the use of functional exercises (pitching weights, push-ups of uneven bars, pull-ups and others) to develop the general symmetry of the muscles .
Nutrition before and after training

Strength training on an empty stomach harms muscle growth. 10-15 minutes before training, you need to eat 15-20 g of fast carbohydrates and 10-15 g of protein isolate, or an hour and a half before lunch.

After training, nutrition in turn causes the body to use food calories for muscle growth and recovery. Immediately after training, you need to take a certain amount (30-35 g), and after 40-50 minutes eat tightly with a large amount of carbohydrates.
Muscle development training program

The proposed training program requires three chess exercises per week. For example: Monday-Friday-Train A, Wednesday-Train B, first week; Second Monday and Friday-Education B, Wednesday-Education A.
Exercise A
    Warm up-5-10 minutes cardio strengthen
    Outstretched Squat
      -15-20 times 2 sets
      -5-8 times 3 sets
    Two-handed Kettlebell Nerd-2 sets of 15-20 reps
      -5-8 times 2 sets
    Dumbbell for biceps-10-12 times 2 sets

Exercise B

    Warm up-5-10 minutes cardio strengthen
      -5-8 times 3 sets
      -15-20 times 2 sets
      -5-8 times 3 sets
      -15-20 times 2 sets
      -5-8 times 3 sets
      -10-12 times 2 sets
    "Rum Bujack" exercise in the press-2 sets of 15-20 repetitions

Training rules

Pay particular attention to the barbell movement technique. If you are a beginner and have started strength training, increase the number of repetitions from 5-8 to 10-12 and always seek the help of a trainer or safety partner.

The break between exercise sets is at least 90 seconds, during which time you need to walk around the room and warm up slightly, not to move or chat with friends on your phone. The break between different exercises is about 2 minutes.
September 30, 2019

The 8 Best Ways to Get 6-Pack Abs Fast

The 8 Best Ways to Get 6-Pack Abs Fast


Whether you aim to achieve your fitness goals or get a six pack abs piece set, you want to look good in swimwear is a much shared goal.

Getting a six pack requires dedication and hard work, but a professional bodybuilder can do it seven days a week or have a professional bodybuilder to do so.

Instead, some modifications to your diet and lifestyle can be enough for serious long-lasting results.

Here are 8 simple ways to achieve a six pack abs quickly and safely.

1. Do more heart

Also called aerobic exercise, the heart is a form of exercise that increases your heart rate.

Incorporating your heart into your routine regularly can help speed your way up to a set of six pack abs to burn extra fat.

Studies show that the heart is particularly effective when it comes to reducing abdominal fat, which can help you see more of your abdominal muscles.

One small study showed that doing cardio exercise three or four times a week significantly reduced belly fat in 17 men (1).

Another evaluation of 16 studies found that more cardio workout people, they did a large amount of lost belly fat (2).

Try to get a minimum of 20-40 minutes in the middle of the day active activities, or between 150 and 300 minutes a week (3).

Engaging in activities such as walking, running, swimming or your favorite sports, biking is a few simple ways to fit your heart in the day.

2. Exercise your abdominal muscles

The rectus abdominis is a long muscle that extends vertically along the length of the abdomen.

Most are known for the muscles that make six packs look, but cough and bowel movements also require breathing.

Other abdominal muscles include internal and external obliques and transverse abdominis.

These muscle exercises are the key to achieving six pack abs to increase muscle mass.

However, keep in mind that abdominal exercise is likely to reduce belly fat alone.

For example, one study found no effect on belly fat in 24 women doing abdominal exercises 5 days a week for 6 weeks (4).

Instead, you should pair your abdominal exercises with a healthy diet to promote fat burning and maximize your results with a regular heart.

Abdominal crunches, legs and planks are some of the most popular exercises to create the appearance of six pack abs that help strengthen the abdominal muscles.

3. Increase protein intake

Its ingestion flow is gentle and protein foods can support belly growth and fight muscle growth on the road with six pack abs to help promote weight loss.

According to one study, high protein meals consumed increase the feelings of fullness and help promote overweight and obese men (5).

Another study found that people who increased protein intake by 15% had reduced their calorie intake and significantly reduced weight and body fat (6).

It can also help repair and rebuild muscle recovery as well as aid muscle consuming protein after exercise (7, 8).

In addition, even one study found that high protein diets help preserve both metabolism and muscle mass during weight loss (9).
Meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, dairy products, legumes, nuts and seeds are just a few examples of healthy, high protein foods that you can add to your diet.

4. Watches high intensity interval training

High intensity interval training or HIIT activity is a form of exercise that involves alternating intense bursts and short recovery periods. Keep your heart rate at the gun and increase fat burning.

Increase your total weight loss and add six pack abs more easily to your routine.

One study showed that young men who performed total training three times for 20 minutes a week lost an average of 4.4 pounds (2kg) and saw a 17% reduction in belly fat over 12 weeks (10).

Similarly, another study was shot twice a week for 16 weeks (17), leaving 8% of total belly fat (11).

One of the simplest ways to try to shot at home is to switch between walking and sprinting for 20-30 seconds at a time.

You can also try alternating intense workouts like jack, mountain climbing and jumping burpees with a short break in the middle.

5. Stay hydration

Water is absolutely important for almost every aspect of health. It plays a role from waste removal to temperature control.

It can also help bump your metabolism to stay well hydrated, burn extra belly fat and make it easier to get a set of six pack abs.

In fact, one study found that drinking 500 milliliters of water temporarily increased 24% energy consumption for up to 60 minutes after meals (12).

Other studies show that drinking water can also reduce your appetite and increase weight loss.

One study with 48 middle-aged and older adults found that those who drank water before each meal lost 44% more weight for 12 weeks than those who did not (13).

Water requirements can vary depending on various factors, including age, weight, and activity level.

However, most research suggests drinking about 1-2 liters (34-68 ounces) of water a day to keep it well hydrated.

6. Stop eating processed foods

Badly processed foods like chips, cookies, crackers and instant foods are generally high in calories, carbohydrates, fats and sodium.

In addition, this food is generally low in major nutrients such as fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

In this diet of Nixing unhealthy junk food, increase weight loss, reduce belly fat and swap them for whole foods you can achieve a set of six pack abs.

That's because it takes more energy to digest whole foods, which are rich in protein and fiber, which can burn more calories and keep your metabolism up (14).

Nutrients in whole foods, like proteins and fiber, also maintain a fuller feeling to suppress the desire and help of weight loss (15, 16).

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are all nutritional alternatives to pre-packaged convenience items like frozen meals, baked goods and salty snacks.

7. Switch to Refined Carbohydrates
Reduce your consumption and refined carbs can help you lose extra fat and get six pack abs.

Refined carbohydrates lose most of their vitamins, minerals and fiber while processing the results of low-nutrition end products.

Eating lots of refined carbohydrates can cause spikes and crashes with blood sugar levels that can lead to increased starvation and food intake (17).
Eat a lot of cereals, on the other hand are connected to a reduced waist circumference lower body weight ().

In fact, one study found that people who ate high amounts of refined grains tend to have higher amounts of belly fat compared to those who ate more whole grains (19).

Burn belly fat to help support satiety and enjoy whole grains like brown rice, barley, bulgur and couscous instead of refining carbohydrates from foods such as pies, pasta and processed foods.

8. Fill in the fiber

Dieting with more added high fiber foods is one of the simplest ways to achieve six pack abs to increase weight loss.

Soluble fiber can move through the undigested gastrointestinal tract and help slow emptying of the stomach to make it feel fuller (20).

In fact, one assessment found that increasing fiber intake by 14 grams per day was linked to a 10% reduction in calorie intake and weight loss (4.2 pounds (1.9 kg)).

Research shows that getting enough fiber in your diet can also prevent weight gain and fat accumulation.

One study showed that each 10 grams of soluble fiber taken daily increased, participants lost 3.7% of belly fat for five years without any other modifications in terms of diet or exercise ().

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds are some healthy, high fiber foods that you can add to your diet to help burn belly fat.

There is much more to getting a six pack abs than simply doing a few crunches or planks every day.

Instead, you need to follow a healthy diet and maintain an active lifestyle so that you can achieve your goals.

Making some simple switches to your routine can get you a set of six pack abs and improve your health at the same time.

September 30, 2019

Primal fitness tips to improve your health

Primal fitness tips to improve your health

Quick understanding

    The secret to maintaining maximum health and maximizing performance. This depends on adopting a so-called paleo approach to the hunter-gathering lifestyle of human ancestry
    180 minus the maximum heart rate for your age is the best value to increase aerobic capacity. At this heart rate, the body fat burns the most and uses the least glycogen stockpile. For this reason, it is necessary to have an efficient fat burning constitution
    The greatest health hazard from aging is not a loss of aerobic capacity, but a loss of metabolic capacity

From Dr. Mercola
The secret to maintaining maximum health and maximizing performance. This depends on adopting a so-called ancient human (pareo) approach to the hunter-gathering lifestyle of human ancestry.

Mark Sisson, the founder of the popular website Mark ’s Daily Apple, is the leader of the pareo movement and the first person to show me the importance of fueling fat.

Mark is a completed elite athlete who was listed three times on the cover photo of Runner ’s World. It has been believed in the past that the more aerobic activity (long distance running etc.) the better for the heart. This aerobic trend-the theme I'm focusing on-was mostly due to Dr. Kenneth Cooper's work "Aerobics" (published in 1968).

In recent years, however, fitness researchers have dispelled this idea, and while this type of exercise has been shown to have more negative effects on the heart, in particular, it has been a short time for intensive and intermittent exercise. Has been shown to be much more effective, not only safer.

Even if it is stretched like a violin and fits, it loses strength

Mark became a runner who achieved in the early days of his life in 5th place in the US Championships in 1980. In the same year, I was also qualified as an Olympic trial marathon.

When he was over-trained and injured, he moved to a triathlon and was one of the top triathletes in the United States for several years, finishing 4th at Iron Man in 1982. At that time, his body was so devastated that it was not only due to overtraining, but also due to excessive carbohydrate consumption.

What is necessary to tighten the body?

His research and experiments all led to the creation of the Mark ’s Daily Apple site, along with eight books on fitness and diet, including the first “The New Primal Blueprint”.

Today, Mark loves everyday fitness that mimics primitive movement patterns, such as high-intensity interval training. Ultimate Frisbee is your favorite leisure alongside paddle boarding exercise. Mark stresses that recovery from exercise is important and explains:

    “If you do this exercise to improve your performance, you need to know that it ’s good enough to be able to spend it without getting injured. Be aware that all the benefits can be gained during breaks. Tend to ...

    Over 7 miles per week since 7 years. That runner's high, an instantaneous occurrence of endorphins, is actually obtained. This is a morphine-like substance produced by the body. Unfortunately, this substance is produced because the body detects that it is committing suicide.

    Therefore, it is important to specify what you are trying to achieve. If you want to increase aerobic capacity, instead of running every day at your maximum 80% to 85% heart rate, if you want to increase aerobic capacity, you need to burn fat well, which is the level of aerobic activity Is low ...

    My heart rate is 180 minus my age, which is the maximum heart rate when training in the aerobic range, 20-30 years before I was running, of course, and even 10 years ago Much less than expected ...

    At this heart rate, the body fat burns the most and uses the least glycogen. To burn so much fat in aerobic, the body increases mitochondria and promotes telangiectasia to send nutrients to the mitochondria. Special attention is being paid to this point…

    Normally, you just want to enlarge your biceps and go to the gym and you won't start bisep curl 300 times with a weight of about 25kg. I realize I need to rest my arm.

    The same principle applies to the myocardium… In my book “Primal Endurance” I explained a training method for patience-related activities, but this is about understanding the physiology of myocardium and mitochondria. It was about using the best way to improve performance. "

The importance of strength training
Even at the age of 65, Mark is so tight that even younger men are envied. He himself embodies that his strategies are really good, and these strategies do not include long-distance running. In fact, he stopped running 15 years ago.

Mark: “We gained about 10kg since we were runners, but the body fat level is the same. Just lifting weights and jumping just increased muscle mass.” In other words, still a predominantly patience athlete Since then, he has become a dominant strength and speed athlete, and his body reflects this fact.

    “The problem of aging is not the loss of aerobic capacity, but the loss of metabolic capacity and metabolic flexibility associated with lean muscle mass. People over the age of 45 are best at weightlifting rather than running. For example, the aerobic capacity deficit rate after the age of 35 is 1% per year.

    If you do nothing, your average strength loss rate is 2% per year. If you do not exercise at all in terms of loss of life capacity, you will lose at a much higher percentage. A person does not die because of old age. I die of organ failure ...

    When you train your muscles… exercising increases your heart rate, the lungs breathe more than usual, the liver produces more substrate, detoxifies more toxins, and all other organs burn calories. It serves to meet the demands of organizations that are under metabolic load.

    As you maintain muscle mass and continue to act, your bones, heart and lungs become stronger. On the contrary, when it stops, the atrophy begins. "

Mark's fitness method

With regard to your fitness method, Mark does the following:

• Go to the gym twice a week, hanging, doing push-ups, bodyweight dips, squats and runges.

• Ride a stationary bike once a week for 30 to 40 minutes and maintain your maximum heart rate of 115 (180 minus age 65).

• 2 hours a week for the ultimate Frisbee play, which he reads as a “highlight” for the week. This has been done for 14 years. “Frisbee is the best game ever invented. Schools that don't have a budget for physical education can invest $ 10 in Frisbee and have access to the grassland in terms of friendship, sportsmanship, and hand-eye coordination. It ’s an ideal game and learning experience for every child. ”

As the body moves and stretches in all directions, this becomes increasingly important as you age. If you want to try Frisbee, search the net for “Ultimate Frisbee Group” to find a local group, or create your own group. “It ’s just running and grabbing. It ’s easy to wear and fun at any level,” says Mark.

• Nightly cold heat treatment. After using the jack in your home, Mark will enter the pool with your home water temperature around 10 degrees around 2 minutes. If you do this before going to bed, you can “sleep like a baby”.

Maintaining behavior for aging

Maintaining behavior is most important with aging. If you lose the ability to move around without assistance, the decline will continue.

Tai Chi and Qigong are especially useful for those who can't run around frisbee. Mark is also recommended to keep the tendons, ligaments, cartilage and joints strong and supple with collagen supplements. “These parts are not necessarily well-fed and do not have blood flow.”

“We don't give the body ingredients to recover from stress. I became a big fan of collagen supplements. I drink 20-30 g of collagen supplements a day.” Many are taken from livestock produced by intensive livestock farming, and therefore are likely to contain contaminants that should not be present. please confirm.

Like me, Mark recommends exercising on an empty stomach, but before doing heavy weight training, Mark does it after taking a collagen supplement.

Healthy lifestyle basics

The simplest and most basic lifestyle strategy is often the most effective. Mark recommends optimizing vitamin D levels and intermittent fasting.

In addition to drinking black coffee in the morning, Mark has two meals a day between 1pm and 7pm. “It's strange how you can be alive with fewer meals,” says Mark. “This fact was the most open-minded thing I've noticed in the last five years.”

That's right, people simply eat too much, eat too often, and the overwhelming reason is that they constantly seek carbohydrates because they lack the flexibility of metabolism to burn fat efficiently. Carbohydrates are metabolized much faster than fat, so you want to keep eating. Mark explains:

    “When this metabolic flexibility is realized [that is, when fat can be burned as fuel], we have achieved the objectives of any genuinely beneficial dietary strategy and can extract energy from any available substrate. It can be fat on a plate or body fat.

    It can be carbohydrates on a plate or glycogen in the muscles. It can be blood sugar. The same is true for ketones produced in the liver.

    Finally, if nothing remains, you can burn amino acids, but you can burn them too. If your metabolism is truly efficient, your body will continue to be supplied with energy, it will not run out of energy, and your brain will not be able to signal “eat it”.

    As a result of these metabolic efficiencies, you can gain energy all day and feel less hungry, primarily by limiting carbohydrates and getting used to burning fat. If I still feel hungry, the snack will have a handful of macadamia nuts or coconut butter in two tablespoons. This will be enough and keep moving forward, and there is no problem. "

Mark also agreed with water-only fasting for several days in a row, and what I now believe is that this method is the most effective metabolic intervention, leading to fundamental health improvement and physical Promotes autophagy and mitochondrial degradation and removes damaged old cells in the body, including pre-malignant cells. This method is also very effective in reducing excess weight and extending life.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

September 29, 2019

The highest protein foods

The highest protein foods

Protein is the main building material for the body. He is responsible for metabolism, growth and ... reproduction, and his deficiency can even lead to death. What foods contain protein and how much should it be consumed?

Animal Food - The Main Source of Protein

    Meat (beef, pork)
    Cottage cheese and other dairy products
    Fish and seafood

Lots of protein in nuts and seeds

    Pine nuts
    Pumpkin, sunflower and hemp seeds

Cereals are not inferior in protein content




Rye or whole wheat bread and durum wheat pasta are also high in protein.

Among vegetables, the most protein in asparagus, cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, potatoes and Brussels sprouts.

It is also found in fruits and berries: apples, apricots, tangerines, bananas, blueberries and avocados.

Which proteins are easier to digest - animal or vegetable?

The proteins that make up eggs and dairy products are most quickly absorbed.

In second place are proteins from poultry and animal meat, fish and soy.

Beans and nuts follow.

The body most difficult to absorb protein from cereals.

Important! Protein is best absorbed after heating or heat treatment.

10 foods with the highest protein content

    Poultry meat - from 17 to 22 g (per 100 g of product)
    Meat - from 15 to 20 g
    Fish - from 14 to 20 g
    Seafood - from 15 to 18 g
    Eggs - 12 g
    Hard cheese - from 25 to 27 g
    Cottage cheese - from 14 to 18 g
    Legumes - from 20 to 25 g
    Cereals - from 8 to 12 g
    Nuts - from 15 to 30 g

Daily protein intake

Adult - 1.3-1.4 g per 1 kg of body weight

People whose work is associated with physical activity - 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight or more

Athlete - 2.0-2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day

Male - 96-132 g of protein per day

Woman - 82-92 g per day

Useful Tips

Despite the fact that protein is considered a building material for the body, its excess can harm health.

In particular, if you plan to go on a protein diet, consult your doctor first. Therefore, excess meat can lead to intoxication, because the body also needs to digest toxins. And animal protein often provokes the appearance of cholesterol.

Excess vegetable protein at night leads to insomnia and heaviness in the stomach.

At the same time, it is very useful to combine vegetable and animal proteins in one dish, for example, scrambled eggs with beans or sushi with rice and fish, meat with a side dish of legumes or cereals.

With a combination of proteins and fats, you need to be careful - like cheese with nuts.