Protein is the main building material for the body. He is responsible for metabolism, growth and ... reproduction, and his deficiency can even lead to death. What foods contain protein and how much should it be consumed?
Animal Food - The Main Source of Protein
Meat (beef, pork)
Cottage cheese and other dairy products
Fish and seafood
Lots of protein in nuts and seeds
Pine nuts
Pumpkin, sunflower and hemp seeds
Cereals are not inferior in protein content
Rye or whole wheat bread and durum wheat pasta are also high in protein.
Among vegetables, the most protein in asparagus, cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, potatoes and Brussels sprouts.
It is also found in fruits and berries: apples, apricots, tangerines, bananas, blueberries and avocados.
Which proteins are easier to digest - animal or vegetable?
The proteins that make up eggs and dairy products are most quickly absorbed.
In second place are proteins from poultry and animal meat, fish and soy.
Beans and nuts follow.
The body most difficult to absorb protein from cereals.
Important! Protein is best absorbed after heating or heat treatment.
10 foods with the highest protein content
Poultry meat - from 17 to 22 g (per 100 g of product)
Meat - from 15 to 20 g
Fish - from 14 to 20 g
Seafood - from 15 to 18 g
Eggs - 12 g
Hard cheese - from 25 to 27 g
Cottage cheese - from 14 to 18 g
Legumes - from 20 to 25 g
Cereals - from 8 to 12 g
Nuts - from 15 to 30 g
Daily protein intake
Adult - 1.3-1.4 g per 1 kg of body weight
People whose work is associated with physical activity - 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight or more
Athlete - 2.0-2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day
Male - 96-132 g of protein per day
Woman - 82-92 g per day
Useful Tips
Despite the fact that protein is considered a building material for the body, its excess can harm health.
In particular, if you plan to go on a protein diet, consult your doctor first. Therefore, excess meat can lead to intoxication, because the body also needs to digest toxins. And animal protein often provokes the appearance of cholesterol.
Excess vegetable protein at night leads to insomnia and heaviness in the stomach.
At the same time, it is very useful to combine vegetable and animal proteins in one dish, for example, scrambled eggs with beans or sushi with rice and fish, meat with a side dish of legumes or cereals.
With a combination of proteins and fats, you need to be careful - like cheese with nuts.
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