

Monday, 30 September 2019

Primal fitness tips to improve your health

Primal fitness tips to improve your health

Quick understanding

    The secret to maintaining maximum health and maximizing performance. This depends on adopting a so-called paleo approach to the hunter-gathering lifestyle of human ancestry
    180 minus the maximum heart rate for your age is the best value to increase aerobic capacity. At this heart rate, the body fat burns the most and uses the least glycogen stockpile. For this reason, it is necessary to have an efficient fat burning constitution
    The greatest health hazard from aging is not a loss of aerobic capacity, but a loss of metabolic capacity

From Dr. Mercola
The secret to maintaining maximum health and maximizing performance. This depends on adopting a so-called ancient human (pareo) approach to the hunter-gathering lifestyle of human ancestry.

Mark Sisson, the founder of the popular website Mark ’s Daily Apple, is the leader of the pareo movement and the first person to show me the importance of fueling fat.

Mark is a completed elite athlete who was listed three times on the cover photo of Runner ’s World. It has been believed in the past that the more aerobic activity (long distance running etc.) the better for the heart. This aerobic trend-the theme I'm focusing on-was mostly due to Dr. Kenneth Cooper's work "Aerobics" (published in 1968).

In recent years, however, fitness researchers have dispelled this idea, and while this type of exercise has been shown to have more negative effects on the heart, in particular, it has been a short time for intensive and intermittent exercise. Has been shown to be much more effective, not only safer.

Even if it is stretched like a violin and fits, it loses strength

Mark became a runner who achieved in the early days of his life in 5th place in the US Championships in 1980. In the same year, I was also qualified as an Olympic trial marathon.

When he was over-trained and injured, he moved to a triathlon and was one of the top triathletes in the United States for several years, finishing 4th at Iron Man in 1982. At that time, his body was so devastated that it was not only due to overtraining, but also due to excessive carbohydrate consumption.

What is necessary to tighten the body?

His research and experiments all led to the creation of the Mark ’s Daily Apple site, along with eight books on fitness and diet, including the first “The New Primal Blueprint”.

Today, Mark loves everyday fitness that mimics primitive movement patterns, such as high-intensity interval training. Ultimate Frisbee is your favorite leisure alongside paddle boarding exercise. Mark stresses that recovery from exercise is important and explains:

    “If you do this exercise to improve your performance, you need to know that it ’s good enough to be able to spend it without getting injured. Be aware that all the benefits can be gained during breaks. Tend to ...

    Over 7 miles per week since 7 years. That runner's high, an instantaneous occurrence of endorphins, is actually obtained. This is a morphine-like substance produced by the body. Unfortunately, this substance is produced because the body detects that it is committing suicide.

    Therefore, it is important to specify what you are trying to achieve. If you want to increase aerobic capacity, instead of running every day at your maximum 80% to 85% heart rate, if you want to increase aerobic capacity, you need to burn fat well, which is the level of aerobic activity Is low ...

    My heart rate is 180 minus my age, which is the maximum heart rate when training in the aerobic range, 20-30 years before I was running, of course, and even 10 years ago Much less than expected ...

    At this heart rate, the body fat burns the most and uses the least glycogen. To burn so much fat in aerobic, the body increases mitochondria and promotes telangiectasia to send nutrients to the mitochondria. Special attention is being paid to this point…

    Normally, you just want to enlarge your biceps and go to the gym and you won't start bisep curl 300 times with a weight of about 25kg. I realize I need to rest my arm.

    The same principle applies to the myocardium… In my book “Primal Endurance” I explained a training method for patience-related activities, but this is about understanding the physiology of myocardium and mitochondria. It was about using the best way to improve performance. "

The importance of strength training
Even at the age of 65, Mark is so tight that even younger men are envied. He himself embodies that his strategies are really good, and these strategies do not include long-distance running. In fact, he stopped running 15 years ago.

Mark: “We gained about 10kg since we were runners, but the body fat level is the same. Just lifting weights and jumping just increased muscle mass.” In other words, still a predominantly patience athlete Since then, he has become a dominant strength and speed athlete, and his body reflects this fact.

    “The problem of aging is not the loss of aerobic capacity, but the loss of metabolic capacity and metabolic flexibility associated with lean muscle mass. People over the age of 45 are best at weightlifting rather than running. For example, the aerobic capacity deficit rate after the age of 35 is 1% per year.

    If you do nothing, your average strength loss rate is 2% per year. If you do not exercise at all in terms of loss of life capacity, you will lose at a much higher percentage. A person does not die because of old age. I die of organ failure ...

    When you train your muscles… exercising increases your heart rate, the lungs breathe more than usual, the liver produces more substrate, detoxifies more toxins, and all other organs burn calories. It serves to meet the demands of organizations that are under metabolic load.

    As you maintain muscle mass and continue to act, your bones, heart and lungs become stronger. On the contrary, when it stops, the atrophy begins. "

Mark's fitness method

With regard to your fitness method, Mark does the following:

• Go to the gym twice a week, hanging, doing push-ups, bodyweight dips, squats and runges.

• Ride a stationary bike once a week for 30 to 40 minutes and maintain your maximum heart rate of 115 (180 minus age 65).

• 2 hours a week for the ultimate Frisbee play, which he reads as a “highlight” for the week. This has been done for 14 years. “Frisbee is the best game ever invented. Schools that don't have a budget for physical education can invest $ 10 in Frisbee and have access to the grassland in terms of friendship, sportsmanship, and hand-eye coordination. It ’s an ideal game and learning experience for every child. ”

As the body moves and stretches in all directions, this becomes increasingly important as you age. If you want to try Frisbee, search the net for “Ultimate Frisbee Group” to find a local group, or create your own group. “It ’s just running and grabbing. It ’s easy to wear and fun at any level,” says Mark.

• Nightly cold heat treatment. After using the jack in your home, Mark will enter the pool with your home water temperature around 10 degrees around 2 minutes. If you do this before going to bed, you can “sleep like a baby”.

Maintaining behavior for aging

Maintaining behavior is most important with aging. If you lose the ability to move around without assistance, the decline will continue.

Tai Chi and Qigong are especially useful for those who can't run around frisbee. Mark is also recommended to keep the tendons, ligaments, cartilage and joints strong and supple with collagen supplements. “These parts are not necessarily well-fed and do not have blood flow.”

“We don't give the body ingredients to recover from stress. I became a big fan of collagen supplements. I drink 20-30 g of collagen supplements a day.” Many are taken from livestock produced by intensive livestock farming, and therefore are likely to contain contaminants that should not be present. please confirm.

Like me, Mark recommends exercising on an empty stomach, but before doing heavy weight training, Mark does it after taking a collagen supplement.

Healthy lifestyle basics

The simplest and most basic lifestyle strategy is often the most effective. Mark recommends optimizing vitamin D levels and intermittent fasting.

In addition to drinking black coffee in the morning, Mark has two meals a day between 1pm and 7pm. “It's strange how you can be alive with fewer meals,” says Mark. “This fact was the most open-minded thing I've noticed in the last five years.”

That's right, people simply eat too much, eat too often, and the overwhelming reason is that they constantly seek carbohydrates because they lack the flexibility of metabolism to burn fat efficiently. Carbohydrates are metabolized much faster than fat, so you want to keep eating. Mark explains:

    “When this metabolic flexibility is realized [that is, when fat can be burned as fuel], we have achieved the objectives of any genuinely beneficial dietary strategy and can extract energy from any available substrate. It can be fat on a plate or body fat.

    It can be carbohydrates on a plate or glycogen in the muscles. It can be blood sugar. The same is true for ketones produced in the liver.

    Finally, if nothing remains, you can burn amino acids, but you can burn them too. If your metabolism is truly efficient, your body will continue to be supplied with energy, it will not run out of energy, and your brain will not be able to signal “eat it”.

    As a result of these metabolic efficiencies, you can gain energy all day and feel less hungry, primarily by limiting carbohydrates and getting used to burning fat. If I still feel hungry, the snack will have a handful of macadamia nuts or coconut butter in two tablespoons. This will be enough and keep moving forward, and there is no problem. "

Mark also agreed with water-only fasting for several days in a row, and what I now believe is that this method is the most effective metabolic intervention, leading to fundamental health improvement and physical Promotes autophagy and mitochondrial degradation and removes damaged old cells in the body, including pre-malignant cells. This method is also very effective in reducing excess weight and extending life.

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